I have finally accomplished something that has bothered me for years and I finally have had the time to tackle and complete it! I can now mark it off my list! Today I finished organizing all my digital photo disks from 2002 to November 2010! My life is now flowing with milk and honey! I also have duplicates stashed at another location should something happen to mine here. See our house burned when I was in the ninth grade and many of our photos were lost, so I hope having them in two places will prevent that from reoccurring.
As I organized I looked and remembered so many good, good times. Watching my children grow up in print right before my eyes. It was a joyous walk down memory lane. I love pictures! I love documenting life, both in print and in words. For as long as I can remember I have had a camera in my hand, I was a photographer for the newspaper and yearbook at school and I always wanted to be a professional photographer, yet I never took a class.
Looking back I discovered pictures I had taken of each of our rooms in our first home right before we sold it. I am so glad I did. So as your virtual travel agent let me take you for a peek around our first home…
This was our front room. It makes me think about all the laughter we shared in this room, the many trips inside and outside the patio door to play. I remember the warm fires during the cold winters, the evening devotion times. The front room is where you would find us if we weren’t eating or sleeping.
This is another view of our front room. We transformed an oddly placed closet in our front room into a little computer room and what you can’t see behind the little curtain is not Oz but shelves that stored all our VHS and DVDs. I look at the sofa table and remember making it out an artillery box and purchasing a glass top. I catch a small view of the kitchen with my cute little Indian lady that holds all our Wal Mart sacks and our wooden trash can that Darryl and Brandon hated because it filled up twice a day, but I loved because it blended in, they eventually won.
Here is part of our kitchen and our dinning room. This part of our house reminds me of family dinners and birthday parties. It reminds me baby bath times, many first meals I learned to cook and my love for retro furniture. I find it odd that the refrigerator door was so empty of art, but I suppose it was because these photos were used for the realtor’s website.
This is Darya’s bedroom. I think about all the fun Darya had in her room with all her stuffed animals and her best friend Senor. I look at her bed and see her jumping and bouncing up and down to the songs of Barney. I remember painting the room with the help of Gaye and Katy.
The other half of her room, the top of the room said, “Grow old along with me, honor your parents and it will be”…a Biblical promise paraphrased. It reminds me of her favorite stuffed animals. All her books she loved to read. The parties she hosted at her table. The window ledge reminds me of Jayden clearing off all its residents so he could dance.
Next I step into Jayden’s room. I remember his Noah’s Ark themed room. I remember the first conversations and laughs I had with Jayden in this room. I can envision him sitting on the floor playing with his toys and although he had his own room, he preferred hanging out with his big sister (things haven’t changed there). I remember that before Jayden came into our lives, this room was an office/scrapbook room.
This was Darryl and my bedroom. I think my most memorable moments here were mainly in the master bathroom (not pictured). First when Brandon came in to the master bathroom and told me something was going on and he wasn’t sure what, but he thought a plane had crashed some where because they interrupted his cartoons. As I turned on the TV in the bedroom I, too, discovered planes flying into the twin towers. It was September 11th. Second, it was in this home that I discovered I would be a biological mom, not once, but twice.
Upstairs was Megan and Brandon’s bedrooms. When I look at their rooms, I remember the design challenge it was in my mind. I remember that we had to purchase window units because the upstairs did not cool very well and it would get hot in the summer months. I remember when we purchased the house they were both so excited to have stairs and when we sold the house the fact that the house had stairs was one of the primary reasons we wanted to move. It was no fun climbing stairs with bad knees, nor was it fun falling down them, which we all had done. I remember looking out Brandon’s window, listening to the tornado sirens going off and watching a tornado hit on S.W. 134th and being upset that my camera was downstairs.
When I look at Megan’s room, I remember she wanted to paint the room blue and we did. Putting glow in the dark stars on the ceiling and because of the dark paint and the window being at the far end of the room – the room became very dark. So Darryl put in that fluorescent light – wasn’t the nicest light fixture, but it sure did brighten the room. I remember that Megan had the biggest closet which was an Australian (boomerang) closet. When Megan moved out, the room became my new craft, sewing and scrapbook room.
While we didn’t and still don’t have the fanciest of homes, we don’t have the elite or high end items…we have a home of peace. Joy. Love. Acceptance. We had and still do have mismatched furniture in all our rooms, but we have a home that we all can say is a comfortable home. I can’t think of one material thing in my house that if it is broken, stained or lost that I would become upset over. I know some people have “special rooms” in their houses that you can’t sit in because it is all for show. I know some people who yell at their children for “messing something up”. Not our house, we live in our house. We sprawl out on the couches. We eat popcorn on the couches while watching movies. Our house is clean, taken care of, but lived in.
If someone was to ask me about the style of my house today, I would have to say visually it is a mixture of coastal living to the mountains with some Americana, a little bit of vintage and Native American living. I love finding vintage furniture and decorating on a shoestring budget. Regardless of the style I try to bring in our spiritual beliefs by sprinkling words of truth throughout the house, so no matter what room we are in we can be reminded of His amazing grace. His endearing love. His never-ending faithfulness. His forever kindness.
I don’t covet what others have, nor do I focus on what we don’t have. I don’t have to, because we have been richly blessed with all we need. God has poured His blessings out on us and there is no need to compare or covet. Not just because one of the Ten Commandments is not to covet, but because like all sin it is a trap and never brings joy or contentment. Instead we become never satisfied, disillusioned and often depressed. There is definitely more to this life than Pottery Barn, Martha Stewart Living, and the others. There is definitely more to this life, but the “more” is not found in anything of this world; it is found in one Person…Jesus Christ.
Yes, there is “more” to this life. It isn’t in what we can obtain in material possessions, it isn’t found through reality television, it is not found in another person, nor is it having the most friends on Facebook, it is not found in food, but the “more” to this life, the abundant life is found in Christ Jesus. I am afraid that I often miss the “more” He has for me in this life because I allow the things of this world to gain my time instead of being fully saturated by the Word. By the Spirit of God. By His Word. His truth. My prayer this upcoming new year is that I will do as Paul and count it all loss (garbage, rubbish) for the sake of knowing Christ in a deeper more intimate way and then I will know that nothing compares to Him.
But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ (Philippians 3:7-8)
I am looking forward to starting my new Bible Study in January excited to see what God is going to do in my heart and life.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Choking on M&Ms? I know the Heimlich maneuver!
I am probably going to step on some toes with this blog, but I hope it is with flip-flops and not steel toed boots.
Have you seen or heard of the thick silicone wristbands that are so popular among the young people?
Well, of course, Darya wants one of those large wristbands, while at the mall we went into Hot Topic. They had the thick wristbands but most had sayings on them that I did not approve of - that should have been my first clue.
But there was one that said “Recovery” with a red cross. In my mind those two items together mean Red Cross…Search & Rescue, first aid, you know something good and notable. Fortunately, my husband was with us and is wise and aware. He immediately said no to the recovery wristband. I asked, “Why not? It says recovery, that’s good, right?” He said no that it is Eminem. Which sounds a lot like M&M. I thought, okay recovering those who choke on M&Ms, that can’t be bad? I know I am so hip! Actually Eminem according to Wikipedia is an American Rapper who has 11 Grammys so far in his career. He is listed on Rolling Stone’s Greatest Artist of All Time and his most recent album; you guessed it “Recovery” is his seventh album. Apparently a lot of people like him and his music.
You may know who this M&M guy is, I didn’t and I am thankful my husband did and I wasn’t sporting a Recovery wristband, thinking it was something good when in fact the lyrics this man sings promotes things I don’t agree with.
I googled his lyrics and let’s just say they made me sick. All kinds of profanity, the degradation of females and love, the lyrics sing praises and glorification of drugs, sex, violence and hate. Belittling Godly values such as purity, honesty, integrity and holiness. All this from an Eminem song which I picked out because I thought it would be positive since it was entitled, “Mom”. Wow, is that what wins Grammys?
Which takes me to a topic which I know many Christians face and that is if it is okay to listen to secular music? I’d be the first to admit I love some country and western music.
I am no expert on the Bible or on music, but I do know when the Spirit of God that lives within me is grieved, when my thoughts are taken to places that are not true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). When a song transports me to a time or place in my life that did not bring glory to God, I probably should not dwell or entertain myself with it. As soon as I am resolved to be consecrated, the songs pop up in some of the least expecting places like Sesame Street or on Megamind! There I go like the Starship Enterprise being beamed out to a place in my life I would rather forget about. No wonder that childhood songs says, “be careful little eyes what you see…be careful little ears what you hear”.
Clearly I am trapped in a secular world where the prince of the power of the air rules.
Anyway, before I break out into a song, I want to share a few items on this topic that the good Lord has dealt with me personally about. They are completely my convictions.
While the Bible doesn’t speak against any style of music, it does teach me as a believer, a follower of Jesus Christ not to be conformed to the pattern on this world (Romans 12:2 ); to think upon things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy. (Philippians 4:8 );
For me the best kind of music is that which praises and glorifies God. Talented Christian musicians work in nearly every musical genre. I love me some Chris Tomlin, Matthew West, Casting Crowns, Third Day and Norman Bebo just to name a few. For me, there is nothing inherently wrong with any particular style of music, but it is the lyrics that determine whether I should listen and entertain myself with it. For me if anything leads me to think about or get involved in something that does not glorify God, I do my best to avoid it. Many times we want a hard list of do’s and don’ts, can’s and cant’s - a list of rules to guide us; but it is a heart issue. What does my heart desire? What does my heart crave? Is it holiness, purity and integrity or is it to devalue these? I want a heart that is tender, soft and responsive to the things of God; to His holiness. Things that harden and numb my heart I want no part of it. Why would I want to entertain myself with things that my Savior died to set me free from? The Lord has been so good to me, for His Spirit that convicts, teaches and changes me. What grace that He, the King of Kings, Creator of the universe would take the time to change, make and mold me into something better. May the Spirit of God dwell in me richly and may I bring Him glory by being not only hearer but a doer.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Reflecting on Brandon...is he really 21?
One day I was a single lady, then on June 7, 1996, I became a wife and mother of two! Although my dad thought I had lost my mind by having “a microwave family” he would not trade any of them and loves them greatly. One of those two children is Brandon, my oldest son and although he did not grow in my belly, he certainly has grown in my heart and today he turned twenty-one! 21! It certainly doesn’t seem that a decade plus five years have past since he came in to my life. Where did all the time go?
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The early years of being Brandon's Mom. |
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Look at that handsome 3rd Grader! |
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Brandon has always been a great brother. |
I am certainly thankful for my son Brandon, he has brought much joy into our lives. He is quick witted, funny, endearing, kind-hearted and giving.
When I became Megan and Brandon ’s mom, I had a quick learning curve. One was learning to respond to the name of mom. One day after work I had stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few items before heading home. During that shopping trip some kid kept yelling, “Mom!....Mom!....MOM!!!” I thought somebody answer that kid! Then when I got home and Darryl and the kids got home, Brandon told me he went to the grocery store with his grandma Bea and he said, “Mom I saw you at the grocery store and I kept yelling your name, but you never looked me!” I felt about as tall as an ant! Then I knew I had to recondition myself to respond to the name of mom. I told him next time just throw a bag of cookies at me or come grab me!
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Brother time! |
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Still trying to prove you are stronger than dad. |
- You thought the sun had an on/off switch when it went behind the clouds.
- You accused your dad of being on the devil’s side when he disciplined you.
- You drew me a sign that said, “Mom you better cook!”
- Your dream job was to be a fireman.
- Your ears where stuffed up, you called it "puffed up".
- You were hungry you would say you need to feed your pet.
- You said that the raw ramen noodles tasted like Jesus’ ribs.
- You used to sing all the commercial jingles as we drove around town.
- You attempted to pierce your ear and ended up on the bathroom floor.
- You entertained us by modeling grandpa’s old bathing suit.
- You helped me so much prepare for Jayden’s Choo-Choo Birthday Party.
- You wrestled almost daily with your dad.
- You had your first airplane ride.
- You first saw the beach.
- You and Megan devoured a whole bag of Oreos in one sitting.
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As always, goofing off and stealing Santa's thunder! |
I remember when Brandon was about six and a young boy came to our door dressed in a suit and when he opened the door, the boy asked Brandon if wanted to go to church and he replied that he went to church – when the boy asked Brandon where he went to church, Brandon said, “the city”. The boy asked Brandon the name of the church and he said, “Glorieta Baptist Church ”. The boy then asked Brandon if he knew Jesus and he said, “Yeah! I know Jesus, I am saved!” The boy asked who saved you? Brandon thoughtfully answered, “Gary !” Who was the guy that counseled him. The boy went on to share the gospel of Jesus Christ using these colored circles as illustrations in a book. Brandon watched intently, but he was checking him out, looking him over, up and down and then with his chest puffed out with pride he blurted out to him, “I’ve got a Bible bigger than that!” Then the boy not to be out done replied, “I do too! At home.” As Brandon studied the boy longer he asked the boy why he was wearing that tie, the boy replied, “my mom picked it out for me.” Then a couple of months later Brandon came home from school and told us that he had asked a boy at school if he went to church and the boy said yes. Then Brandon asked him if he knew Jesus and the boy said, “Get away from me!” and took off running. The name of Jesus is powerful!
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Just like your father, you have a love for the sport of basketball. |
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You made it! Senior year |
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Now as a man, you have two beautiful ladies in your life to lead. |
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Napkins for a quarter? What a rip off!
I’ve become a stranger to my own blog. It’s been since December 5 that I have had the opportunity to sit down and write and I am not even working right now! Well not technically. I am still doing my best to stay up on emails just so that when I return to work in January I don’t have to call in the Geek Squad.
My “bloglessness” is certainly not due to lack of content to write about but because I have been working on getting myself promoted. I know that sounds horrible, it does to me anyway especially since God has been working so hard on humbling me. However, in my line of work, we are required to have on file an updated CV, CV Summary Sheet, an Officer Statement and a Reviewing Officer Statement. In addition we have to maintain readiness for deployment, which requires maintaining annual physical fitness standards, up to date immunizations, online courses and anything else they decide they want us to take on. Well I am happy to report that all is complete and now I have to just fax in to Headquarters and wait to see if I will gain the ranks of Captain.
If I would have blogged I might have blogged about:
- How hard it was to get motivated to complete my promotion items.
- Eraser burns
- The battle whether to remove my acrylic nails or keep them going.
- Being haunted by the “Do you dream in chocolate” commercials.
- How I love how my husband keeps me grounded in what is right.
- Answered prayers
This weekend Darryl and I were reminded of an upcoming parental responsibility that is coming sooner than we realize and that is the differences between boys and girls.
So we went to the BX to do some Christmas shopping and Jayden needed to go to the bathroom. I don’t like him going in the men’s bathroom alone, so I took him into the family restroom. While we were in there, Jayden exclaimed, “That is a rip off!” I asked, “What?” while I was washing my hands and he replied, “A quarter for a napkin!” I wanted to laugh so hard, but I maintained and agreed, “That is a rip off!” He went on to ask, “Are you going to pay a quarter for a napkin?” I said “No, I think I will just use one of these free ones.” Whew! I managed to wimp out of explaining what kind of napkins cost a quarter; despite the trauma of my chest pains...for now any way.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Fancy-dancy specialized pizza ordering menu straight from Daisy, OK
I woke up this morning needing Joseph or Daniel and their favorable interpretation of dreams. In my dream I did not see a vine, nor seven heads of grains, or a rock cut out of a mountain but specialized ordered pizza in Daisy, OK!
Okay, let me remind you…I am periodically on pain pills during recovery from my surgery. I take them as needed and had not had any since Friday morning, but Saturday night, the pain was getting unbearable so I took my pain meds which launched me into the REM sleep that produces those vivid dreams or it could be just my low muscle tone producing these dreams, that’s debatable.
Not sure why I dreamed about Daisy, OK or the Couch Family that lives in Daisy, but I did. I never even knew there was a Daisy, OK until Frank & Andrea Couch moved there. Now one would think since I am dreaming about visiting the Couch Family that we have strong family ties, but that is not true. We all went to the same church for a short period of time, firm believers in Christ and are distance friends via Facebook, but we have never even had a meal together and here I am dreaming of Daisy, OK and the Couch Family!
Here is the dream:
Our family was going to Daisy, OK to visit the Couch Family and their church. I had been asked to make our evening meal before church. I decided to make White Chicken Chili. Something easy and that I have made before that most everyone likes. Well, it did not turn out like it usually does, it tasted awful! But no fear, like Barney I had another trick in my bag it was Tuscany Soup! Another easy meal that is yummy! But guess what? Yes, it turned out awful too! Nobody would eat anything I made. Andrea very thoughtfully and kindly suggested we order pizza! I really thought from her FB posts it would have been a quick swing through the Sonic, but hey pizza works!
When Andrea said we can order pizza she whipped out this fancy-dancy specialized pizza ordering menu! It was grid-shaped by pizza selections, with each person’s name. You selected how many slices of each pizza you wanted! WOW! Daisy, OK has it going on! If you know me things like this get me really excited, it is organized and means less waste! Not that pizza is ever wasted in America ! So we all had our specialized pizza orders in and we were starving!
Darryl, Jayden and I were in the bedroom when we noticed there was no more noise in the house, everyone had left! I then remembered that Andrea said we would just swing by the pizza place before service and eat. Dilemma! I didn’t know where the pizza place was or the church. Did Daisy have a pizza place? Okay, I know there are cell phones, but at this point in my dream, I had forgotten that important piece of information. I really need to quit taking those pain pills. That was the end of the dream. I don’t know if we found the pizza place or the church, or even the most important fact did the pizza place deliver all those specialized pizzas! At least I was taunted by the “Do you dream in chocolate?” commercials.
I know there is a God in heaven that reveals mysteries, but Andrea if you have my other child Darya send her home and would you please share your fancy-dancy specialized pizza ordering menu with me?
I am so thankful my citizenship is not of this world. One day I am going to sit at a feast like no other. Isaiah 25:6 says our Father in Heaven; He Himself will prepare for us the finest foods. The best tasting food on the New Earth, I’m certain will blow pizza away. I am looking forward to eating and drinking at His table, at His banquet are you?
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