Three hundred and forty-one days, plus 79 posts later who knew I had so much to say? Although, in reality 79 posts in about a year's time is really not that much compared to other bloggers, who commit and post a new blog each day. I probably would join them if I required less sleep.
I am happy that I have made it a year even though my blogging is sporadic, it serves a great way to practice my hobby of writing, capturing memories and hopefully within these random ramblings and reports of mine may somehow encourage others, make them laugh, and hopefully exalt the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yes, I am still wimpy and still proud of that truth! In that when I am weak, He is strong (2 Corin 12:10). In fact, just this week Darryl left the house and left me alone with the kids. Which I hate to be left alone. See. Wimpy.
Darya and I had just returned from her medical testing. I had just prepared her lunch (actual Darryl made the infamous Ramen Noodles) and I supplemented it with a grilled lactose filled sandwich. I had just sat down to eat my brunch when...knock...knock... Grrrr....see failure. Don't get between me and a hot meal especially when I am hungry. At the door stood a kid who looked a little older than my 9 year old son announcing he was here to spray our house inside and out for pest. "Does that include you?" No, I did not say that, I may have thought it but I didn't say it. I did grill him over who hired him to come and was he at the right house. I am pretty sure he was ready to high tail it out of there because he asked, "Is this not a good time?" I wanted to say "Scat!" but instead I was nice and said, "no it is fine come on in".
Next he went outside to spray the perimeter of the house. I almost made it back to the chair when...knock....knock.... does this kid not know that I am trying to eat? So I went to the door and the pest control guy says, "I found a creature on the side of your house. I am not sure what it is, but it isn't a rodent...and it is alive." Okay, my mind instantly flashes back to my husband telling me that our neighbors seen a rat the size of cat in our neighborhood. So being brave and all, I waved my hand at the guy telling him, "just take care of it." He proceeded to tell me they aren't allowed to take live animals off people's property. I won't tell. Really. Then he asked if I wanted to see it? So after I decided if tall leather boots or running shoes be better I followed him around the house; all the while his professional experienced words echoed in my mind..."creature... I am not sure what it is...creature....alive...." plus the rat the size of cat story didn't help - then add on top of all this - the "professional pest control" guy doesn't know what it is. I was totally expecting to see something that I have read about in Revelations, something with five eyes, six arms and two heads!
As we rounded the corner of the house I was cringing as to what I was going to see. When nothing of creature proportion size stood out I asked this professional, "where is it?" He said, "it is right over here by the fence line". I know I am maturing and I no longer have 20/20 vision and all, but I didn't see the creature I had conjured up in my mind. When we go to the fence line what I saw was what I think was a baby mouse or mole. The kid picks it up and places it in the palm of his bare hand to show me that it was still alive. He told me he couldn't take it, so I told him just put it back where it was then and I'd have my fearless husband take care of it. He suggested I call the City Animal Control. I did only to amuse the staff there. Which they laughed too and told me to wait for it to expire then use a baggy to pick it up and put in another bag, set on the edge of the curb and call them and they would come pick it up.
The kid then comes back in the house to give me the paperwork; when he asked if school was out. I told him no that we home school. He said, "oh yeah, 'home school' I know some people who home school and the kids can barely read or write" Oh yeah, buddy? Those are fighting words! Not only can our son read and write, he knows the difference between a rodent and a creature! Jayden said I want to go see it! I said you can go look but don't touch it or pick it up those "creatures" can carry diseases. Immediately the "pest control professional" said, "Do you mind if I wash my hands?"
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Actually, it looked more like a mouse than a mole. |
As my introduction of my blog says: "It's my desire you will see that Jesus indeed is real and alive. I hope to capture all the "abouts" of my life...about my failures and His redeeming power...about my weaknesses and His all consuming power...about my uncertainties and His perfect assurances...about how God can take our imperfections and transform them into something beautiful, if we let Him. So instead of the 'cheese touch', I hope to share a Jesus Touch with you and it will spread in a positive way! It's not a's my life."