Pride, selfishness and a complaining or judgmental attitude are all around us, just read 10 statuses on Facebook or listen to people talk for 10 minutes and you’ll hear it. It doesn’t matter if it is a big or little complaint; the root of the complaining is pride and self. Yuck. Complaining because we feel violated and mistreated or we feel as if we are entitled to something. Listen up folks! Life is too short. In the light of eternity it is all little stuff, completely petty and meaningless. I can see why Rodney King asked, “Why can’t we all just get along?”
I am embarrassed to say but God has been dealing with my petty complaining attitude for some time. In fact, about three weeks ago as I was driving in to work I was complaining about the traffic. I said, “this is taking foooorever!” God gently spoke to me and said, “No, it is not taking forever. Eternity is forever. You don’t know what eternity (forever) really means but one day you will, but this traffic Dione is not fooooorever.” Okay, well maybe He didn’t hold the “foooooorever” out like I did but that is what He told me. I quickly asked for forgiveness and repented for my complaining attitude with a promise to try and do better. First with memorizing, “Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,” (Philippians 2:14-15) I can’t shine like a light if I am shooting out complaints. I am learning that my sinful flesh wants to please itself and because of that, I complain. Ouch. I am so thankful God is patient with me.
Another lesson these past 11 days as I have watched my dad very graciously without complaining battle two forms of cancer, enduring the pain of failed procedures, broken bones, the prodding of the nurses and nursing assistants, the many mishaps of the cafĂ©, even the mess ups of the doctors and nurses; yet, through it all I haven’t heard him complain. I have only seen him keep his sense of humor and very graciously extend grace to those who have messed up, noting we are all human, we all make mistakes. Isn’t that the truth!?
Even through watching my dad suffer is hard, even though the earthly physicians’ prognosis for my dad is not good, and even though it is difficult watching my strong and courageous dad become physically weak because of the cancer there are some positive things the cancer has done.Yes, positive.
Cancer has confirmed that our family loves beyond self.
Cancer has sharpened our eternal focus of glory.
Cancer has strengthened and displayed our love for each other.
Cancer is perfecting our hope.
Cancer categorizes what is truly important.
Cancer although the enemy has meant it for evil, God has brought us all these good things through it all.
God is faithful. He is good, there is none other like Him. He is our Strong tower. He is our Rock. He is our Comfort. He is our strength. He will continue to perfect us in and through this cancer, so that in the end the cancer does not win, but through our Lord Jesus Christ we remain the victors. We have been saved from eternal separation and wrath from God because of His gift of reconciliation and because of that we have eternal hope. We don’t have to panic or fear death because perfect love casts out all fear and we are perfectly loved.
So with that said, I am so thankful and grateful for my family. For parents who have exhibited to us through over 50 years of marriage what it means to love unconditionally, to be committed and dedicated through the good and bad times, in sickness and in health. I am thankful for siblings who aren’t selfish, who love beyond self. Together with God’s grace we will prevail and through it all become stronger for His glory.
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One of my favorite verses that helps move away from that ugly complaining spirit. |