After preparing lunch for my family which happened to be Crockpot Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti I spend most of my Sunday afternoon reading my new book, “Black Heels to Tractor Wheels” by Ree Drummond, the Pioneer Woman. I found myself laughing out loud and reflecting back on when Darryl and I met. I then took a short nap which I haven’t done since Jay Ray was a baby and boy did it feel good, but it left me feeling a bit groggy. I would love to have a cup of joe, but I know that would cause me not to sleep well tonight. I need my sleep especially since I have to put together a presentation for Tucson and it probably should make some sense.
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Where I spend most of my Sunday afternoon, doing something I love to do but don't get to do too often. I love my crushed velvet green chair! |
As you may know, Ree refers to her husband as “Marlboro Man” I don’t think he smokes Marlboros but because he is a Rancher Dude. When I think of Marlboro, I think ewwww nasty cigarettes and I think about the Marlboro waterfall advertisement as you begin entering the suburbs of Dallas that marked the spot of “almost to grandma’s house” to me.
It’s true opposites attract. It is true with Ree and Marlboro Man, with Darryl and I, and I am sure many other couples out there; but the beauty of opposites is they complement each other. What the one doesn’t have the other has and often times it can drive you insane!
Take for instance; there is some setting on the TV that drives Darryl crazy if it isn’t right. Something to do with the screen size. I can watch it any old way, but Darryl has to fix it “to fit”. Then there is the way we shop. He has a methodical way about shopping, it is a chore to be managed. For me it is a whole experience of highs and lows and sometimes even flashing lights and now coupons! Driving is just crazy. Our travel paths would never cross because his way of getting to a location and my way are polar opposites so it’s better that he drives and I go along for the ride and just appreciate being chauffeured. Who says you can’t get no satisfaction?
How can two people so different collide in a relationship that lasts? That strives? That overcomes obstacles, setbacks and differences? For us it is simply - God. Being equally yoked one to another through the love of and for Christ. One thing I know: God makes no mistakes. It was no mistake that when I first meet Darryl we went bowling and to my horror and I am sure his I showed up in holey socks and un-manicured toes! But hey, I drove a red hot Mustang! Christmas was not far away can you guess what I received? Yup! New socks! Now I am married to the man who washes my socks! And they are no longer holey. Yes! And Amen!
Reading “Black Heels & Tractor Wheels” is a timely encouragement to me that opposites do attract, but God brings unity. One flesh. Despite the fact that the early years of marriage at times where exhausting and overwhelming it was God that transitioned us both from being selfish to being selfless. No, we haven’t arrived, we are still a work in progress, but it is indeed progress. Each day, each year, married life gets better.
This upcoming week we are going to go to a Sunday School fellowship that will be talking about the Five Love Languages. It is good we know each other’s love language. Darryl’s are Words of Affirmation and mine is Starbucks. Partly teasing, mine being Acts of Worship…okay, seriously…mine is actually Act of Service. It took him 12 years to find it, but it was a day worth celebrating! Since he discovered my love language I have had my uniforms ironed, coffee ready, car warmed up, clothes washed, is those endless acts of service that he does that make me feel especially loved. As we go again and attend this Love Language fellowship, may we both learn a new dialect of speaking each other’s love language so that we grow together in unity and love and may I never have holey socks and un-manicured toes ever again! Amen!
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