This past weekend some of the ladies from our church and one
orphan lady went to the Oklahoma BGCO (Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma)
Women’s Retreat at Falls Creek Conference Center. We had an amazing time of
fellowship, God-drenching renewal with Scripture soaking seminars and amazing worship with
Cody Dunbar. I am on a
high because I have seen and experienced God doing GREAT things in me and
others this weekend; may I stay away from the Jezebels and the broom tree (I
Kings 17-19)! There is sooo much good stuff to share with you about, I wished
everyone was there to hear the speakers, to join in on the worship, to
experience the mission work, and to laugh…laughing is important…always.
No Orphans Left Behind (John 14:18) I love this lady! God put her in my life this weekend for the purpose of Godly wisdom and guidance that I needed and didn't even know that I would be putting into action that wisdom that night! Yes, I was sitting on the lawn with my iPhone just as Jennie Allen prophesied, at least I wasn't under a broom tree! |
We had some amazing speakers. This is Lina Abujamra, a pediatric ER doctor in Chicago who was born in Lebanon, who taught a class on how to see more of God's power in our lives. Her title "This Girl Is On Fire" she spoke out of I Kings 17-19 and packed out every session. She is only ONE of many authentic God-filled, desperate to share women of the 20th century that God is using to equip other ladies to do the work of the ministry. Jennie Allen and Rachel Lovingood were equally powerful, but I didn't get a picture of them...too busy taking notes! |
We left some things behind, for some of us, we left
everything behind – yes, and we left it behind on purpose – for a purpose, for
a reason, for hope, for focus, for power, for freedom, for _____________... for
God’s anything. I’ll ask you what we were asked, “What are you willing to to trade for God's anything? and Are you willing to leave behind everything for God’s anything?"
My bling'd up shirt, because King's Daughters wear bling! |
God’s ANYTHING is better than everything! I
didn’t hear this scripture reference this weekend, but the retreat theme made
me think of Psalm 84:10a “For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand.” A
day, one twenty-four hour period in God’s presence is better than a thousand,
1,000 days or 24,000 hours elsewhere; yes, including those exotic places we pin
of our dream vacation spots on Pinterest boards. God’s anything…,
anything!! better than EVERYTHING we have, will have or dream of having
here in this world. Here are some of the things I left behind this weekend at
the Creek:
- Fear. That emotion that cripples…for years.
- Doubt. That feeling of uncertainty that makes us
indecisive. It cripples, too.
- Shame. That painful feeling of humiliation that causes
us to hide. It cripples, too.
- Pain. That uncomfortable suffering that hurts
deep. It cripples, too.
- Guilt.
That awareness of knowing you have done wrong. It cripples, too.
Waving that white flag of surrender feels so good and is
small in light of what lies ahead; I’ve been missing the best part of being a daughter
of The King, but no more – I have left everything behind and have no plans of
going back to pick it up because on the other side of surrender is a life of
freedom and joy. I know God has prepared beforehand that I walk in good works
(Eph 2:10) and it’s time.
A memento to remember our 2014 retreat. |
I will remember from what God has redeemed me from, but I
will not live in it because I am fixing my eyes on Jesus. May every name fade
in my life until there is only One…Jesus take Your place, Jesus take Your
rightful place because it is not about me, it’s about You! Would you be willing
to give up everything for God’s anything?
I came home with tear-stained specs...yes, I have bifocals; don't worry one day you will too! So don't be jealous. |
I also came home with a burning hunger to know Him more and reading material for the summer. |
And, I came home with these ladies, my sisters-in-Christ, ready to trade everything for God's anything. |
Finally, I can't forget the encouragement and love of this friend/sister - a 5K to start the day! I am blessed! |
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