Do you ever read something in the Bible and then begin to go the wonder path? I followed that path this morning during my Bible study, I read in RED, and you know what red represents? That’s right the words of Christ. In John 14:30 He says to the disciples, “I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.” As I read that I wondered if the disciples really understand that soon He would physically be gone? If they did understand, did they hang on every word He spoke? Did they grasp that? Do I grasp that the written Word of God is alive and available to me today in many forms? I hope I do.
Today was Jayden’s first Upwards basketball game. This year he is playing at First Baptist Church in Moore and its co-ed! The last experience we had with co-ed sports, Jayden (age 5) walked off the soccer field, threw up his hands in disgust and proclaimed, “I’m done!” with the coach running behind him yelling, “Jayden! Where you going? You just can’t walk off the field!” It was so funny, but we learned something very important things that day about Jayden.
This was later in the season when he had more practices under his belt. |
We learned that he would just as soon quit, than play against girls, especially those that outrun or take the ball away from him. We learned that he strives for perfection and if can’t accomplish it, then he will be very upset with himself. Thank God, that through prayers he is maturing. He is learning that we don’t always succeed the first time we try. He also learned to start what he finishes.
However, when I found out he was playing co-ed I cringed thinking here we go again! I hope he doesn’t walk off the court. So this mamma prayed! I prayed this morning that God would give him a good attitude and game, that he would be encouraged and not discouraged, I prayed that some girl wouldn’t take the ball from him or run faster than him. Just teasing, I didn’t pray that last bit (at least not out loud), but I did pray!
God answered. We saw progress! He did get frustrated once during the game and yes a girl was involved, but he didn’t quit. In fact, he scored 8 points! We noticed he was a little timid when it came to defending the girl as opposed to when he was matched up with a boy.
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The girl behind him is the one he had to guard. |
Right before the game a lady came up to Darryl and I and asked us if we used to do Upwards at Graceway and we said yes. She then asked Darryl if he gave a testimony there and he said yes. She went on to tell us that her husband came in half way through the testimony and was touched by it and wished that he had heard the entire testimony. So she asked if we had it written down and we don’t, except for the letter I wrote to Darryl that God used to make that change in his heart. So we told her we could share that with her and that Darryl would write down his testimony with it. It is so powerful what God did for us in our marriage in 2005 and it is going to be a privilege to write it down and share with this family.
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My husband sharing a testimony at Upwards last year. He asked me to stand by his side, I was happy and honored to! |
Then Brandon, Bridgette and Bryleigh made a visit. I seen some pictures my sister-in-law send me on email by Adele Enersen. This bored mother/photographer on maternity leave, creates dream worlds around her sleeping baby and then captures them on film. Her dream photography inspired me to try some with Bryleigh. All of the images in Adele Enersen’s dream photography are created from clothing and fabric; they include typical dream clichés as well as some abstract visions. Check out my dream photography attempts below, except our baby wasn’t sleeping so it might be more appropriately titled Awake Photography.
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Bryleigh hanging out under the mushroom. |
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Our Artist - Get your masterpiece soon! |
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Just out for a leisurely stroll with her dog. |
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Then we had to try and take some sitting up. |
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She loves her hands! |
Finally we end the day with a Paez boy sleepover, so say prayer that we can get them all down and out by 10 pm!
Well if you are still hanging with me listening to my rambling about our ordinary day, all this randomness proves one thing: I am but a common, ordinary wife and mother with a simple, ordinary - yet FULL life. Really, my only ambition is this: to love the Lord Jesus with everything in me, exalting Him as my greatest Treasure and fullest joy.
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