Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Whatever Wednesday Writings - New Talent

2. If you could have a NEW talent what would you want? The journal prompt of 2 March 2014. That’s easy! The ability to carry a tune.

Laugh if you like, but I have always wanted to sing or play an instrument. Maybe I should add “sing or play well”; oh I can sing, it is just that it is not pleasing to anyone but the Lord.

I am going to post a previous post accurately titled "Dragon is Singing Tonight" which accurately describe my lack of ability to sing.

But I have two cousins that can sing and play instruments very well and all I have to say about that is it did not come from our side of the family and if the talent did come from our side then they stole all our talent because we have none. I wished I was tech-savy enough to get a video off my Facebook wall of one of my cousins Tony Spencer Rivas singing my favorite country and western artist Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison. I just love it!

An update to the "Dragon is Singing Tonight" is that it is true, I can't carry a tune, but both Darya and Jayden can actually sing pretty good and I don't want to sabotage their thoughts about their abilities.

If you could have a NEW talent what would you want? I'd love to hear!

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