Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Whatever Wednesday Your Word I will!

“But Simon answered and said to Him, ‘Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your Word I will let down the net.’” Luke 5:5

It’s that time again in Oklahoma, and I am not talking fishing. “That time” being severe weather and Moore, Oklahoma where I live is known as “Tornado Alley”. Born and raised an Okie I have been through many severe storms, the baseball size hail, winds that carry trampolines and small puppies away, flooding that makes you want to invest in a kayak, but F5 – mile wide – long tracking tornadoes…uhm…no thanks. I have seen one too many of these monsters.

The last tornado that hit us on May 20, 2013, shattered our community.


It was a devastating time watching parents bury their small children.

It was a frustrating time watching friends not receiving any assistance from the “so-called” disaster relief organizations.

It was an exhausting time as we worked to salvage personal belongings...BUT it was also a time the Lord taught me about His sovereignty and my need to trust Him in EVERY aspect of my life

These environmental storms make it hard to understand and grasp how His goodness could be displayed through such destruction and despair; but I HAVE to trust that He is still faithful, that His love never ends and with each sunrise we have new mercies. I HAVE to remember these truths, His Word, especially when tragedy happens and I don’t understand. I HAVE to remember that we live in a sin-cursed world and until Jesus returns and the new heaven and earth come, heart-wrenching tragedy will exist. I don’t like that.

My family loves a good thunderstorm. My family loves the adrenaline of watching a tornado (as long as it isn’t taking life and property). The incredible display of power is amazing, but this past week with all the predictions of the worst tornado outbreak in our area since 2011 had me more on edge than I ever would have expected. I don’t know if it was because we were so close to it last year with my husband and daughter bunkering down in a school that was only partially hit, or if it was seeing all the destruction day in and day out for months, or if it was watching friends rebuild their lives, or if it was just old age and wisdom knowing and understanding the magnitude and cost of the aftermath. 

Whatever it was I HAD to take those concerns to God and lay them at His feet. Remembering He is good all the time and that my family and my life are His. Remembering that He has ALL authority in heaven and on earth and that our steps are preordained by Him. I HAD to remember that He did not give me a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a SOUND MIND. I HAD to remember that perfect love casts out all fear and I HAD to rejoice knowing that I am perfectly loved.

I don’t understand why bad things happen to good people, I am not God, but I know we live in a sin-cursed world. I do know that God is in control and I will trust Him. I must remember to see the universe through the lens of His Lordship and know when tragedy strikes He is still there, He still loves, gives strength and comfort, laughter, peace and joy…and I love and trust Him, even in and through the storms of this life. Just as Job lost everything and suffered much, he states, “the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21b) Job goes on to ask “shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” (Job 2:10b)

So this week as I read in Luke 5, I learned a simple lesson. Just as Jesus’ future disciples had toiled all night to catch fish for their livelihood and finished with an empty net. All of my toiling and sweating over if the predictions would come to pass left me with an empty net of worry. I know, worrying does me NO good, Matthew 6:27, asks, “And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?" Not me. That is why I have this ring to remind me God values me and I am being taken care of by a King. I can't tell you how many times since I put this ring on that I have gazed down and reminded myself, "Am I not more value than the birds?" (Matt 6:26)

Back to Luke 5! At Jesus’ command, Peter responded in faith and was rewarded with a catch so big that the nets tore and the boat almost sank! While this scripture is used to illustrate the evangelistic impact the disciples would have, His Word which is alive can speak differently to us in our own life situations. That word for me - is being a doer and don’t just speak it, but believe it – live it. Luke 5 alludes that Peter doubted because he said, (my paraphrase) “Lord, we have been trying all night to catch fish , we are tired and they just ain’t bitten, in fact I think they are all gone! BUT “at Your Word I will”.

Lord, help me to take you AT YOUR WORD and to do as You say. Help me to remember You are trustworthy, You are sovereign and You love me more than the sparrows and yet you take care of them. Lord help me to keep my mind steadfast on you and as I do You will give me perfect peace through all the storms (environmental or otherwise)...  at Your Word I will, let it be!

“The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood, and the Lord sits as King forever.
The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace. “
Psalm 29:10-11

All those predictions for this last storm system may have missed our area, but there are others in Oklahoma, Kansas, Mississippi and Alabama who were in the direct path. I am confident they would covet our prayers as their long road of healing and rebuilding begins.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Whatever Wednesday Writings - No Pay May

I arrived home from work one day in April and my dear husband told me we were going to do a “No Pay May”. There were a lot of things I wanted to say to that but here is what I said, “Reallllly? What’s that?” I thought it meant we weren’t going to pay our bills. Wrong. He said, “We only pay our bills and purchase necessities.” He then went on to say, “I also saw where you can turn your hangers around in your closet and after a season the hangers that are still facing backwards you get rid of that stuff.” He is testing me now, feathers are getting ruffled, so I shoot back, “Where have you been? Where have you getting these ideas? On Pinterest?” He said the No Pay May was his idea, but he did see the hanger thing online. Humph. Really? Now my husband is many things –spiritual, smart, witty, humorous, strong, handsome, giving but he is not a rhymer. So I went to Pinterest to investigate, because I have heard of this type of bravery.  When I typed in “No Pay May” in Pinterest, pins of candles, Seattle skyline wall art, and Hunger Games key chains were some of the pins. Not what I expected to see, the only thing remotely to what my crazed husband was alluding to was a bill and payment checklist. Next I visited my popular friend Google and asked her about “No Pay May” and while she yielded 2.4 billion results in less than a second, none on the first several pages mentioned anything ludicrous as my husband was suggesting. So now I guess I have a rhyming husband on my hands. I didn’t mention that Jay was standing there with his big ears on listening to our conversation. Darryl then went on to say we are going to eat up everything in our pantry and freezers and we will only buy foods that perish, like milk, eggs, fruits, veggies and bread. I asked, “And the purpose of this is….?” He said, “To have a surplus at the end of the month.” To which Jay replied, “So you can spend it on me!” Of course.

I know it sounds like I am opposed, but I am not and I agree, but I am afraid! May is a long month and is also the month I like to go to garage sales because the weather is nice, you know to find treasures to refurbish and bring back to life. So I am taking a step of faith and obedience in May because I am that submissive wife. I will let you know how it goes. I know people have done this before. How did it go? Any tips you can give me?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Whatever Wednesday Writings - I'm Done with the Mud Pies

Failure. I started 2014 with the hopes of writing one post a week and posting it on Wednesday. I should have known picking Wednesdays would be dangerous, but since I don’t watch action films I had to bring in some type of action-oriented adventure like struggling against incredible odds of writing and posting on a work/church day. However, I did make it to March 12th, but then Spring Break happened, then I quit drinking all forms of soda pop, then migraines happened, then my daughter got her driving permit, so you can see I have been highly involved in frantic chases during Spring Break, physical feats with overcoming soda pop, and finally stunts and special effects with driving training, but this week I am back, at least I am going to try.

This past weekend as I mentioned in my previous post I attended a ladies retreat where God had some very specific things to say to me about forgiveness, humility, surrender and finishing well and I hope I don’t get spiritual amnesia any time soon.

I will share one thing that spoke to me this weekend and hopefully over the coming Wednesdays I can share more, because there was so MUCH good stuff I really need to camp out on a few of them.
I will start with what Cody Dunbar the Worship Leader for the weekend said before we started the Friday night worship time, and that is “God’s glory remains. How much do I want to jump in on?” God’s glory is not depended on me or us, it’s always there. It remains despite anything or anyone, the question for me is am I going to take part in His glory or sit on the side of the road with my iPhone? Christianity is too often a label we wear and not a lifestyle we live out.

One of the speakers shared this C.S. Lewis quote, “It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily entertained.”

I want MORE than mud pies.
Too easily entertained, too distracted with work, too troubled with the things of this world…before the retreat, I had fallen prey to being too easily entertained and distracted by worshiping the idols of social media and the DVR. I don’t have issues as C.S. Lewis says “with drink and sex and ambition” or even with playing games those things don’t steal my time and affection and I am not becoming a nun, but I spend too much time on social media and entertaining myself in front of the TV, don’t we all? Spiritual strength, just like any other kind of strength, does not come natural or easy; so, I have to make an active and intentional choice to stop giving my time and praise of seeking false gods because time is fleeting. I want to be like Mary, Martha’s sister, and I want to choose the ONE thing that will fulfill my soul, the good part that will not be taken away from me. (Luke 10:41-42) I don’t want work to work me or life to consume me, or get upset when my team doesn’t win, because there is only ONE thing necessary.

I need accountability. I’ve told my family and close friends to ask me if I am giving my best and most to the One who died for me. So far, I am on track. No, I am not quitting social media and the DVR (yet), but those momentary things are certainly getting the last of my day. Since this past weekend, those necessary things (time with my Savior in prayer, my “Expect MORE” bible study, payer time with my prayer partner, and my daily bible reading) have been moved to the top of the list. What I have found is  after the necessary things are complete, I have work, time with my family, shopping/cooking, sleeping and the amount of time I spend going into a room looking for something, forgetting what I was in there for, leaving and then returning because I remembered…then my day is gone and I haven’t even missed those momentary things.

When I told Jay that I am switching my priorities in life, he said “Then do you want me to tell you who wins the Amazing Race?” I said, “Sure, tell me.” He said, “Wow, you are serious. You are getting too spiritual, you are going to turn into a monk” I hope so, the spiritual part, not the monk part (not that being a monk is bad, it’s just not for this married woman). I am tired of living in the slums and making mud pies, I want MORE, I want MORE of His glory, I want that holiday at the sea and I don’t want to be easily entertained, so if I miss something on social media that I need to know, please know that it isn’t because I don’t care, it is probably because social media is getting much less of me and Jesus is getting MORE of me, because I am choosing MORE of Him. Does this resonate with anyone other than me?

“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” James 4:8

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.” 1 Peter 5:8-9

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Anything 2014!

This past weekend some of the ladies from our church and one orphan lady went to the Oklahoma BGCO (Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma) Women’s Retreat at Falls Creek Conference Center. We had an amazing time of fellowship, God-drenching renewal with Scripture soaking seminars and amazing worship with Cody Dunbar. I am on a high because I have seen and experienced God doing GREAT things in me and others this weekend; may I stay away from the Jezebels and the broom tree (I Kings 17-19)! There is sooo much good stuff to share with you about, I wished everyone was there to hear the speakers, to join in on the worship, to experience the mission work, and to laugh…laughing is important…always.

No Orphans Left Behind (John 14:18) I love this lady! God put her in my life this weekend for the purpose of Godly wisdom and guidance that I needed and didn't even know that I would be putting into action that wisdom that night! Yes, I was sitting on the lawn with my iPhone just as Jennie Allen prophesied, at least I wasn't under a broom tree!
We had some amazing speakers. This is Lina Abujamra, a pediatric ER doctor in Chicago who was born in Lebanon, who taught a class on how to see more of God's power in our lives. Her title "This Girl Is On Fire" she spoke out of I Kings 17-19 and packed out every session. She is only ONE of many authentic God-filled, desperate to share women of the 20th century that God is using to equip other ladies to do the work of the ministry. Jennie Allen and Rachel Lovingood were equally powerful, but I didn't get a picture of them...too busy taking notes!

We left some things behind, for some of us, we left everything behind – yes, and we left it behind on purpose – for a purpose, for a reason, for hope, for focus, for power, for freedom, for _____________... for God’s anything. I’ll ask you what we were asked, “What are you willing to to trade for God's anything? and Are you willing to leave behind everything for God’s anything?"

My bling'd up shirt, because King's Daughters wear bling!
God’s ANYTHING is better than everything! I didn’t hear this scripture reference this weekend, but the retreat theme made me think of Psalm 84:10a “For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand.” A day, one twenty-four hour period in God’s presence is better than a thousand, 1,000 days or 24,000 hours elsewhere; yes, including those exotic places we pin of our dream vacation spots on Pinterest boards. God’s anything…, anything!! better than EVERYTHING we have, will have or dream of having here in this world. Here are some of the things I left behind this weekend at the Creek:
  •  Fear. That emotion that cripples…for years. 
  •  Doubt. That feeling of uncertainty that makes us indecisive. It cripples, too. 
  •  Shame. That painful feeling of humiliation that causes us to hide. It cripples, too. 
  •  Pain. That uncomfortable suffering that hurts deep. It cripples, too. 
  •  Guilt.  That awareness of knowing you have done wrong. It cripples, too.
      Waving that white flag of surrender feels so good and is small in light of what lies ahead; I’ve been missing the best part of being a daughter of The King, but no more – I have left everything behind and have no plans of going back to pick it up because on the other side of surrender is a life of freedom and joy. I know God has prepared beforehand that I walk in good works (Eph 2:10) and it’s time.

A memento to remember our 2014 retreat.

I will remember from what God has redeemed me from, but I will not live in it because I am fixing my eyes on Jesus. May every name fade in my life until there is only One…Jesus take Your place, Jesus take Your rightful place because it is not about me, it’s about You! Would you be willing to give up everything for God’s anything?

I came home with tear-stained specs...yes, I have bifocals; don't worry one day you will too! So don't be jealous.

I also came home with a burning hunger to know Him more and reading material for the summer.
And, I came home with these ladies, my sisters-in-Christ, ready to trade everything for God's anything.
Finally, I can't forget the encouragement and love of this friend/sister - a 5K to start the day! I am blessed!
