Sunday, August 7, 2011

Status Report - Summer 2011

Sitting…in another hotel room, thinking about how long it has been since I’ve blogged. It is not because I have lacked material, but simply time. This Status Report is a simple attempt to wade back in to the blog world. We'll see if I take the plunge or continue to wade. I thought a status update would be safe.

Realizing…that since July 12th I have only slept in my own bed two nights and won’t be reunited with my own comfy bed for another four more nights.

Flipping…channels, because I can.

Reading…Remember by Karen Kingsbury. I started reading the Redemption Series while on vacation. It literally only took about two pages and I was hooked into the Baxter Family’s life.

Wondering…how Darya will do with volleyball practice in the morning. She is still having undiagnosed symptoms from exercising. Sure, I am allergic to exercise too, but mine is the normal increase heart rate, sweating, out of breath type. Darya’s is extreme sickness for hours upon hours.

Praying…for the families of the U.S. Service men and women who lost their lives serving and for a dear friend that I have been concerned about for some time.

Pondering…writing a blog post that will be difficult to write and post.

Thankful…for the seasons. I know it has been hot, but I don’t want to be a whiner or complainer. Last winter everyone on Facebook complained about the cold weather, the snow, the ice, etc…now everyone is complaining about the heat. I am pretty sure God thinks we are all whiners.

Speculating…if those “Ahh” Seamless Leisure Bras really will change your life. Remember, I am channel flipping.

Waiting…on the Lord to see where He will lead.

Excited…to have been invited to a wedding in Australia.

Wishing…I could go! Bel - I'm thinking it needs to be Webcast!

Preparing…to get back to some routine in my life, which entails tracking points on Weightwatchers and finishing up memorizing Philippians.

Thinking… about God’s grace and mercy and how much I need it! I am weak. Needy. Desperate for His touch, His guidance, His peace.

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