Saturday, February 2, 2013

Photo A Day/Writing Assignment 1/28-31/13

1.28.13 THROUGH

Through. Legs through the rails while tossing Gatorade down through the rails to a friend....and she catches it!! Thank goodness!

1.29.13 GROW

Grow.Spring storms growing in the January Oklahoma skies. In Oklahoma, we love severe weather.

1.30.13 DOWN

Down. Heading down south (well south and southwest) to Anadarko for a program review site visit in my little bug.

1.31.13 YOURSELF

Yourself. See my certificate for completing the government travel credit card training? And....finally Photo A Day/Writing Assignment for January complete. Whew.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha. I have that certificate also. For some reason my boss didn't see it as a credential worthy of a raise. :)
