Sunday, January 27, 2013

Photo A Day/Writing Assignment 1-27-13

01.27.13 SUN

Sun. Mister Sun. Sun. Mister Golden Sun. Please shine down on me. Where was the sun today? It was hiding most of the day, at least here in Okie land. I even went outside to look for him.

I know he was there, but he was hiding behind these grey skies. I don't think I have told you but I have a friend who guilted me in to signing up to run in the 5K Color Me Rad. Notice I said guilted me in to signing up to run...doesn't mean I will accomplish the real act of running.

I personally think running should have a purpose, like running to sales on Black Friday - or - running because there is a dog chasing you; but running for fun never crossed my mind. I love this picture because it pretty much sums up how I feel.

Today started week two of the 5K training program I am wondering what was I thinking? I am thinking I should have started at week zero. Then maybe repeat week one two times, before going in to week two. Here I am gasping for air and I am going to be running and people are going to be throwing colored corn starch at me? Plus I am old! Well, I paid so now I have to get ready so I am slowly trying to run. The app on my phone tells me when to run and when to walk. It's like I have my own personal Jillian, except my app is much nicer. It's a good thing, because if I had to try to remember how many times I have ran/walked, I would totally forget because it takes all my brain power just to keep me moving. The goal of the app is to be able to run 30 minutes straight. My goal is not to die doing it.

In case you want to join us, you can join up with us under the team name Isaiah 40:31 at I'd love for you to come "suffer" with me because misery loves company.

I can do the elliptical fine, but running on a new knee is totally different, but I am determined. At the end of the run....Mister Sun still hiding, but I am grateful that when I can't see the sun, I know it is still there. This is my niece Katy. She did the Color Me Rad last year, isn't she colorfully beautiful?

After the run, I went home to get ready to go to church. Each Sunday evening I have the privilege of teaching young girls about purity using the book "And the Bride Wore White" by Dannah Gresh and of course, the Word of God. I am thankful for this time, for the girls who attend and encourage me by their eagerness to learn, their willingness to read, ask questions and participate. The Lord humbles me each time he allows me to speak on purity and on His behalf. Then on the way to church, guess who came out to shine? Mister Sun...peeking behind those clouds.

Sunshine...Shine Son and through me.

May we be found faithful, giving glory to God in all that we do.

The sun will come up tomorrow...and one day.... "the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb." - Rev 21:23...One day!

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