Saturday, January 12, 2013

January Photo A Day/Writing Assignment 1/11-12/2013

01.11.13 WATER

Water. Refreshing, cold water to splash on your face, to brush your teeth with or drink. I drink tap water, doesn't bother me a bit. In fact, as a child, I drank out of the water hose outside. Too bad the water picture didn't fall on Sunday, when we had a water baptism - perfect in my opinion - but instead you get a picture of my bathroom faucet pouring out water - quite practical.

01.12.13 SURPRISE

Surprise. Grandbaby visit on Friday. Which means pictures! Surprise, I know! Maddex loves to sit at the window and gaze outside, especially on windy days when he can watch the limbs and leaves blow on the tree and bushes. It is mesmerizing and perfect for a lazy morning in the neighborhood. The real surprise is that Maddex will finish the rest of today's post.

Life at NaNa's and PaPa's

As you can tell I am minding my own affairs, just gazing out the window intently thinking of apple juice, milk and bananas. Hey! No jokes about my ears and bananas! I know they are big and stick out, but that is how I was created and my family loves me just the way I was created.

Like I said I was taking in the scenery and having some infantile day dreams when someone else with bigger ears than mine showed up and joined me! It was my Fur Uncle Senor Harjo! He asked if I wanted to join him in a special duty. I said my mom says I do special doo-dee all the time! Count me in! He said, I had the ears and that was a very important physical feature to the job and not everyone has the right sized ears and they can't even acquire them if they wanted to, so I have been blessed!

Next he told me I had to have guts! I got those too! Then he said I had to have special abilities like being flexible with the ability to make moves like his very quickly and on command. He called this move "the duck". I am going to have to practice this one! 

The next skill he taught me was to cover the territory by watching in two directions. He looked one way and I looked the other. I think we covered this one pretty well.

There's a good reason why they've called spying "intelligence". You need to learn many skills and abilities, and fast! Each new operation calls for different skills, cover and legend, and you must be able to learn and internalize them in days. Na Na and Pa Pa say I have the best teacher in my Fur Uncle Senor Harjo because he is the President of the neighborhood watch program.

I can't tell you any more of our secrets because it would compromise the integrity of the neighborhood watch program. I hope I haven't told you too much already. I leave you with a good Word that "whatever I do, whether I eat bananas, drink apple juice, or serve in the special doo-dee forces, whatever I do, I need to do everything for the glory of God." Look it up yourselves, 1 Corinthians 10:31- well, it might not say bananas, apple juice and special doo-dee forces, but it does say whatever you do - do it for the glory of God!

Quiet time with Nana and Papa, I have my own Bible!

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