Sunday, November 14, 2010

In the beginning God..Need we need more?

What have I been doing lately? Not blogging that’s for sure. My days pretty much consist of physical therapy right now, broken up in two pieces – AM PT and PM PT. I have been working on getting more strength and increasing my flexibility. I have been attempting to sleep in this machine called a CPM that keeps my leg moving all night long. I have been walking down memory lane by going through the millions of pictures I have stuffed in photo boxes, wondering when they will ever make their way on a scrapbook page. I have been turning my daughter down for lunch at school every day because (with a knee replacement) going up there for lunch just isn’t that easy;…however, she still thinks I am Wonder Woman. I’ve probably been packing on more pounds due to the yummy foods and desserts my church family have brought over and my lack of activity. However, I am glad to report the caffeine habit has been conquered! It no longer has mastery over me. Thank you Lord! I have been snuggling with my son in the mornings talking about the things of God, which I love! Finally, I have been camping in the Word.

The other morning as Jayden and I lay snuggling in bed talking he announced, “In the beginning God created…a machine that moves legs”. Which was followed by our laughter and a profound question, which I’m sure many of us have pondered? “Mom, how did God make something…out of nothing?” That’s a question that many of us have asked, the Bible says God simply spoke it into existence. “Then God SAID, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.” (Gen 1:3) “Then God SAID, ‘Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters.” (Gen 1:6) “Then God SAID, ‘Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together in one place, and let the dry land appear’; and it was so.” (Gen 1:9) Then God SAID. Then God SAID. On and On. And it was so.

Jayden then said, “My mind can’t comprehend that.” Jayden is made so much like me. We question everything, we want to know how and why and where from. That is why we are often mislabeled as “Chatterboxes” because we have a need to know, we ask a lot of questions and if you don’t know the answer then you get our chatter! Maybe I should have titled this blog The ChatterBlog. Jayden can talk for hours. If you ever have a long road trip and need to stay awake he is your passenger! I recall one time he inquired about the electricity lines, he wanted to know how they got there, how the electricity got into the lines, where did it come from, where does it go, on and on. Then you have my preteen Darya who cares only if she can plug in her iTouch and if it is charging. Seriously, some days I want to hide and cry and wonder why Lord, why? Then when I go to my loving parents and inquire for help, they just smile and tell me Jayden is just like you Dione. You talked our ears off. Which is weird to say and I don’t believe because they still have ears!
Then came the bigger question, “So who made God?” I tried to explain to Jayden, God is not a created being. He is Spirit. He is eternal. He always has been. The Bible says, “In the beginning God” (Gen 1:1) He was already there. The writer of Ecclesiastes says of God. “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.” (Eccles 3:11) “The secret things belong to the Lord our God.” (Deut 29:29) God can not be proven, because to prove something in this world you have to use scientific methods. You must be able to repeat it with the same outcome over and over. There is no cause and effect to consider with God, He is an uncaused cause, He is God and He always has been since the beginning. I know it is hard to comprehend, even for us adults, but God by His grace and mercy put with in each of us a measure of faith to believe (Rom 12:3). I choose to believe by faith, “In the beginning God.” When I see a building, I know there was a builder. When I see a piece of art, I know there was an artist. When I see individual unique people, I know there is a Creator. When I see the Grand Canyon, I know there is a Creator. When I see the morning frost or dew, I know there is a Creator.
The Apostle Paul puts it this way, “God has made it plain…For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse” (Rom 1:19-20).
Without excuse. His creations and powers are so obvious. It is not Mother Nature, Father Moon or Cousin Sky. It is God Almighty. In the beginning God. That truth is sufficient for me.

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