Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fancy-dancy specialized pizza ordering menu straight from Daisy, OK

I woke up this morning needing Joseph or Daniel and their favorable interpretation of dreams. In my dream I did not see a vine, nor seven heads of grains, or a rock cut out of a mountain but specialized ordered pizza in Daisy, OK!

Okay, let me remind you…I am periodically on pain pills during recovery from my surgery. I take them as needed and had not had any since Friday morning, but Saturday night, the pain was getting unbearable so I took my pain meds which launched me into the REM sleep that produces those vivid dreams or it could be just my low muscle tone producing these dreams, that’s debatable.

Not sure why I dreamed about Daisy, OK or the Couch Family that lives in Daisy, but I did. I never even knew there was a Daisy, OK until Frank & Andrea Couch moved there. Now one would think since I am dreaming about visiting the Couch Family that we have strong family ties, but that is not true. We all went to the same church for a short period of time, firm believers in Christ and are distance friends via Facebook, but we have never even had a meal together and here I am dreaming of Daisy, OK and the Couch Family!

Here is the dream:
Our family was going to Daisy, OK to visit the Couch Family and their church. I had been asked to make our evening meal before church. I decided to make White Chicken Chili. Something easy and that I have made before that most everyone likes. Well, it did not turn out like it usually does, it tasted awful! But no fear, like Barney I had another trick in my bag it was Tuscany Soup! Another easy meal that is yummy! But guess what? Yes, it turned out awful too! Nobody would eat anything I made. Andrea very thoughtfully and kindly suggested we order pizza! I really thought from her FB posts it would have been a quick swing through the Sonic, but hey pizza works!

When Andrea said we can order pizza she whipped out this fancy-dancy specialized pizza ordering menu! It was grid-shaped by pizza selections, with each person’s name. You selected how many slices of each pizza you wanted! WOW! Daisy, OK has it going on! If you know me things like this get me really excited, it is organized and means less waste! Not that pizza is ever wasted in America! So we all had our specialized pizza orders in and we were starving!

Darryl, Jayden and I were in the bedroom when we noticed there was no more noise in the house, everyone had left! I then remembered that Andrea said we would just swing by the pizza place before service and eat. Dilemma! I didn’t know where the pizza place was or the church. Did Daisy have a pizza place? Okay, I know there are cell phones, but at this point in my dream, I had forgotten that important piece of information. I really need to quit taking those pain pills. That was the end of the dream. I don’t know if we found the pizza place or the church, or even the most important fact did the pizza place deliver all those specialized pizzas! At least I was taunted by the “Do you dream in chocolate?” commercials.

I know there is a God in heaven that reveals mysteries, but Andrea if you have my other child Darya send her home and would you please share your fancy-dancy specialized pizza ordering menu with me?

I am so thankful my citizenship is not of this world. One day I am going to sit at a feast like no other. Isaiah 25:6 says our Father in Heaven; He Himself will prepare for us the finest foods. The best tasting food on the New Earth, I’m certain will blow pizza away. I am looking forward to eating and drinking at His table, at His banquet are you?

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