Saturday, December 18, 2010

Reflecting on he really 21?

One day I was a single lady, then on June 7, 1996, I became a wife and mother of two! Although my dad thought I had lost my mind by having “a microwave family” he would not trade any of them and loves them greatly. One of those two children is Brandon, my oldest son and although he did not grow in my belly, he certainly has grown in my heart and today he turned twenty-one! 21! It certainly doesn’t seem that a decade plus five years have past since he came in to my life. Where did all the time go?

The early years of being Brandon's Mom.
Look at that handsome 3rd Grader!
Brandon has always been a great brother.

I am certainly thankful for my son Brandon, he has brought much joy into our lives. He is quick witted, funny, endearing, kind-hearted and giving.

When I became Megan and Brandon’s mom, I had a quick learning curve. One was learning to respond to the name of mom. One day after work I had stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few items before heading home. During that shopping trip some kid kept yelling, “Mom!....Mom!....MOM!!!” I thought somebody answer that kid! Then when I got home and Darryl and the kids got home, Brandon told me he went to the grocery store with his grandma Bea and he said, “Mom I saw you at the grocery store and I kept yelling your name, but you never looked me!” I felt about as tall as an ant! Then I knew I had to recondition myself to respond to the name of mom. I told him next time just throw a bag of cookies at me or come grab me!

Brother time!

Still trying to prove you are stronger than dad.

Brandon, I remember when:
  • You thought the sun had an on/off switch when it went behind the clouds.
  • You accused your dad of being on the devil’s side when he disciplined you.
  • You drew me a sign that said, “Mom you better cook!”
  • Your dream job was to be a fireman.
  • Your ears where stuffed up, you called it "puffed up".
  • You were hungry you would say you need to feed your pet.
  • You said that the raw ramen noodles tasted like Jesus’ ribs.
  • You used to sing all the commercial jingles as we drove around town.
  • You attempted to pierce your ear and ended up on the bathroom floor.
  • You entertained us by modeling grandpa’s old bathing suit.
  • You helped me so much prepare for Jayden’s Choo-Choo Birthday Party.
  • You wrestled almost daily with your dad.
  • You had your first airplane ride.
  • You first saw the beach.
  • You and Megan devoured a whole bag of Oreos in one sitting.

As always, goofing off and stealing Santa's thunder!
I remember when Brandon was about six and a young boy came to our door dressed in a suit and when he opened the door, the boy asked Brandon if wanted to go to church and he replied that he went to church – when the boy asked Brandon where he went to church, Brandon said, “the city”. The boy asked Brandon the name of the church and he said, “Glorieta Baptist Church”. The boy then asked Brandon if he knew Jesus and he said, “Yeah! I know Jesus, I am saved!” The boy asked who saved you? Brandon thoughtfully answered, “Gary!” Who was the guy that counseled him. The boy went on to share the gospel of Jesus Christ using these colored circles as illustrations in a book. Brandon watched intently, but he was checking him out, looking him over, up and down and then with his chest puffed out with pride he blurted out to him, “I’ve got a Bible bigger than that!” Then the boy not to be out done replied, “I do too! At home.” As Brandon studied the boy longer he asked the boy why he was wearing that tie, the boy replied, “my mom picked it out for me.” Then a couple of months later Brandon came home from school and told us that he had asked a boy at school if he went to church and the boy said yes. Then Brandon asked him if he knew Jesus and the boy said, “Get away from me!” and took off running. The name of Jesus is powerful!
Just like your father, you have a love for the sport of basketball.
You made it! Senior year
Brandon, as I look back and reflect on your life, I pray that you will know that you are deeply loved, not just by dad and I, but even more by Jesus. That you will remember all the precious memories and know that they are all a snapshot of God’s goodness to you; graciously bestowed to you by the Giver of all good things. As I reflect and remember, I see grace. I see goodness. I see mercy. I see Jesus, the indescribable Gift. I pray that you will see it too. So many graces, so many gifts, so many memories. The Lord has indeed been good to us; glory to His name!
Now as a man, you have two beautiful ladies in your life to lead.

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