Sunday, January 9, 2011

Through the Eyes of Darya

Yesterday I posted “Through the Eyes of Jayden” Today is Darya’s (age 10) comments about her mom and dad for the same questions.

At age 10, almost all of pictures of Darya either have Senor Harjo in them or her friends.

1. What is something mom and dad always say to you?
Mom - I don’t know
Dad – Pick your stuff up

2. What makes mom and dad happy?
Mom - Getting coffee
Dad - Drinking coffee

3. What makes mom and dad sad?
Mom - Movies
Dad - I don’t know

4. How do your mom and dad make YOU laugh?
Mom – Make a joke
Dad – He tries to hugs us after he sweats, “baby wants a hug”

5. What makes your mom and dad laugh?
Mom – When she watches America’s Funniest Videos
Dad – When I said I could see Jayden through Brandon’s ears on the other side.

5. What was your mom and dad like as a child?
Mom - Small
Dad - I don’t know active

6. How old is your mom and dad?
Mom - 42
Dad - 38

7. How tall are your mom and dad?
Mom - 5 Foot 5
Dad – 5 foot 10

8. What is your mom and dad’s favorite thing to do?
Mom - Spending time with your family
Dad - helping us with stuff, like when we have trouble

9. What do your mom and dad do when you're not around?
Mom - watch Dr. Phil
Dad – go out and watch movies

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Mom - For being the skinniest person
Dad – Being the nice dad

11. What is your mom and dad tell you what you are really good at?
Mom - Soccer
Dad - Basketball

11a. What is your mom and dad really good at?
Mom – Being a parent
Dad – Being a parent

12. What is your mom and dad not very good at?
Mom - Running
Dad - Soccer

13. What does your mom and dad do for her job?
Mom -You know, health person
Dad – help us with school

14. What is your mom's/dad's favorite food?
Mom - Salad
Dad - Banana

15. What makes you proud of your mom and dad?
Mom - Because she gave birth to me
Dad – Because he does our taxes or something like that

16. If your mom and dad were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Mom- Daphney on Scooby Doo
Dad – Shaggy on Scooby Doo

17. What do you and your mom/dad do together?
Mom – play games
Dad – play basketball

18. How are you and your mom and dad the same?
Mom- our hair
Dad – our eyebrows (laughing)

19. How are you and your mom/dad different?
Mom - Because I can take naps and mom can’t.
Dad – I am a girl and he is a boy.

20. How do you know your mom and dad love you?
Mom – She takes care of us.
Dad – Because he disciplines us.

21. Where is your mom's and dad’s favorite place to go?
Mom - Jason’s Deli
Dad – Church

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