Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monday Minute Memories, January 23, 2012

Out in Blogland several bloggers do a Friday’s Favorite Five where they name five favorite things about the past week. Or Wordless Wednesdays where they just show pictures of the past week. Here I am introducing my own version of a once a week blog called, “Monday Minute Memories”. A bit late this week and a bit boring of a week!

1. Family Room. I love our family room. I love the color. I really love that our names are on the wall. Yes, I painted our names on the wall in our family room. I think it is funny that people always ask in shock, “Did you really paint your names on the wall?” I am not sure why it is shocking that I have our names on our wall but, I’ve always wanted to do it. So when we first purchased this house it was one of the first things we did. I love that we have an elliptical and recumbent bike in there as well because misery loves company. This past week we were all sitting on the watching television, when a commercial came on for The Vow. Darya said, I want to see that! I asked what is it? She said, “The Voe” Jayden busted up laughing and said, “It the Vow! Wow!” Public school education at it’s finest.

2. My Fitness Pal. Well this past week I did lose 1.8 which was decent, but still not the same loss I was seeing with WeightWatchers (WW). I went back to WW on Monday. My Fitness Pal is based primarily on calories, while you can monitor your fat, protein and carbs – it is primarily based on calories. WW points take into account fat, carbs, fiber and protein.

3. Pinterest. Like Facebook is an evil, time thief, but I must say tangible things have come from this addiction. It’s like a tsunami of ideas in every aspect of life. Pinterest is like an organized, online Smashbook. It makes strange food combinations seem normal. Have you ever tried French toast made from pork rinds? I have and it is actually pretty good. If you are in a cooking slump and tired of the "What's for dinner?" then you need to visit Pinterest. This week I tried three new recipes I found on Pinterest that sounded nasty but were actually delicious and a healthier alternative for me. First, the Monster Smoothie, I am happy to report it was yummy and chockfull of spinach, 4 cups! There are a lot of green monster smoothie recipes out there, but we tried Iowa Girl Eats she claims it is her secret diet weapon. Three out of 4 of us gave it two thumbs up and that is because it tastes like a banana smoothie and one in our family doesn’t like bananas. Second, Cauliflower Pizza. surprisingly also very tasty! Everyone liked this one. We tried the one listed on Eat. Drink. Smile. It calls for a whole egg, but I am wondering if egg beaters would work too. I will have to try next time. Third, zucchini chips, which I was accused of referring to as “fried pickles” while they were tasty, they were too time consuming to make and they shrunk to almost nothing! Next time I will stick with the zucchini sticks.

My cauliflower "grained up"
The cauliflower crust before the toppings. You can see my edges got too brown.
So I just cut the edges off.
Pizza complete with the toppings. Best way to eat cauliflower in my opinion.
Plus, cauliflower has a ton of nutritional and health benefits over the typically pizza crust.
4. Smashbook. I am loving the Smashbook! This week’s entry focuses on things that make me laugh out loud. One thing is a body slimming shirt for men. When I read the advertising I can’t help but laugh that I actually wanted a career in advertising; as I am pretty sure these are the things I would get stuck advertising. Look stunning! Flatten your belly! Uniquely designed firming panels to trim and tighten that bulging beer gut so you look like you have a firm and fit six-pack abdomen instantly…then pass out from the amount of compression required to hold that gut in! See why I switched fields? Do guys really buy and wear those?

5. Sleepover. The College & Career girls at church sponsored a sleepover for the youth girls. Being the food pusher I am I offered to make breakfast for them. One replied and said, “it’s okay we were just going to buy them donuts” then another replied, “you were going to make us breakfast?” I replied, “I offered” the next message…”we accept!” So I made big, fluffy biscuits, creamy sausage milk gravy, delicious crunchy hashbrowns, complete with Darryl’s famous scrambled eggs. Don’t you love all the adjectives?  It sounded like it was a total success.

Happy Monday, family and friends.

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