Monday, January 16, 2012

Phone Stacking, Strange Addictions & Smashbooks

Out in Blogland several bloggers do a Friday’s Favorite Five where they name five favorite things about the past week. Or Wordless Wednesdays where they just show pictures of the past week. Here I am introducing my own version of a once a week blog called, “Monday Minute Memories”. Will you join me in posting on Mondays some of your memories from the past week? It’s a great way to get out of your blog-slump and start posting again. Let me know if you do, I’d love to read them!

1. Phone Stacking. Have you heard about this new game? I first heard about it this past week.  You’ve seen the dinner tables, especially those of families, who each have their phones out with the glow of their phones reflecting on their faces. The new dinner game is designed to put good company ahead of technology. The rules? Once everyone is seated (or has ordered – determined ahead of time), the phones are placed face down on the table. If you are feeling really adventurous you can stack them like in the photo. The first person to flip over their phone loses the game and pays for the entire bill. If the bill comes before anyone has flipped over their phone everybody is declared a winner and pays for their own meal. In the rare event more than one person flips over their phones at the same time, then they split the bill. Finally, you can’t mess with anyone else’s phones. I am game!

2. My Fitness Pal. While I only lost one pound this past week, I think I may have figured out the system. In Weightwatchers when I stay on plan I typically lose about 2-3 pounds a week. I am changing up things a bit, looking at the balance of my day differently and we will see if I net a higher loss tomorrow at weigh in. Hoping the youth night didn’t sabotage me, although I did pump out some push-ups, played some friendly basketball and volleyball I am hoping those activities burned a gazillion calories that I ate in pizza. I did manage to eat NO desert! Big deal for me.

3. One Thousand Gifts. I am continuing through Ann Voskamp’s book, at this rate I should be finished by Christmas 2012. It is a slow read for me and an even slower learn as my faithful husband reminded me this past week with his three letter response when I texted him that “10 minutes after leaving home and I’m still in Moore”…”car wreck”….oh, I probably should clarify to him…”not mine”. His text back simply said, “ptl”. Those three little letters, which I know and we got to teach the meaning of to the youth this week. Is “praise the Lord”, yes I know give thanks in all things, even car wrecks that delay you 10 minutes into work on a Wednesday. The day I try my best to get to the office early, so I can leave early, to arrive home early, to make dinner for my family before church. Yes, praise the Lord for delays, who knows what it delayed me from and it could have been me in a wreck instead of the one who delayed me. It is not just giving thanks in the microscopic good things, but in all things I am reminded, the good, the bad and the ugly. I need the right perspective. I know I am pitiful. What a silly, trivial complaint. I am supposed to be learning like Paul to be content. I need my daily outlook to match my eternal outcome, to look past the superficial worries, delays, or issues that cause me to complain and realize two of the holy callings I have and that is to give thanks in all things and to be content. Lord help me.

4. Intolerance. Lactose. This past week Darya and I went to another doctor’s visit in search of answers to why she cannot exercise, run or exert herself without getting 6 to 8 hours of “bend-you-over” stomach cramping, followed by vomiting and then fatigue. The GI doctor told us that her enzymes indicating lactose intolerance were pretty high, he would categorize her between moderate to severe. Since her last visit 4 months ago she had gained 9 pounds. He said he was more concerned with her developing insulin resistance. I know from working the health field that prevention of diabetes includes diet and exercise. We are working on the diet and she saw a loss last week, she wants to play organized soccer, basketball and volleyball at school so bad. I told her to start slow working out on our recumbent bike and build up. She worked out for a short time the day after our visit but could feel the painful stomach symptoms coming on. The good news is she can tell when it is going to happen and can stop, then the pain isn’t as bad. She did have pain through the night, but not the knock you down in bed followed by the vomiting pain. She also says she gets a taste of blood in her mouth. It seems like we’ve been to every specialist out there and now we have hit a dead end. What we have found out is that she is lactose intolerant, has a cross-fused ectopic kidney and a narrowing of her celiac vein. Please join us in prayer to the Great Physician to heal her.

4. Smashbook. After seeing a friend’s new-fangled – freshly factory-made Smashbook, I thought how cheesy mine looked. I do like it but I like hers better! I actually like it because I don’t have to apply scrapbook paper to the schoolbook notebook paper in mine to make it look smashing. So I grabbed my Michaels coupon and headed over and got Darya and me one. Darya has already started hers and I am hoping to get to mine today. So much to do and so little time to do it all.
My Cheezy Smashbook, outside

The Official Smashbook
Every page has different papers. This one reminds me of my grandpa because
he would always say, "don't sit there like a knot on a log."
5. Strange Addiction. I have a marvelous update to share this glorious day! Jayden's strange addiction of jumping and hitting the ceiling fan chains has been cured!! My husband did a needle-nose intervention on the chains. I told Darryl just don’t make them so short I can’t reach them. I think it is funny, because Brandon did the same thing. He was always jumping up trying to reach something. When Brandon graduated from ceiling fan chains to top of doors all I heard all day was thud….thud….thud.

Happy Monday, family and friends.

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