Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Whatever Wednesday Writings - Can people change?

This post is the beginning of my Whatever Wednesday Writing Challenge to learn more, read about the challenge visit here.

Can people change? It is only three simple words, but it is a loaded question. Being the start of a New Year change in the form of New Year’s resolution is being discussed, considered and promised a lot right now. And since we are the first week of the New Year, many of those resolutions have already gone out the window landing flat smack on the ground in a pile of good intents. In fact, Forbes magazine reports only 8% of people will achieve their New Year’s Resolutions. Wow, we are a bunch of failures and/or proof that change is hard. As you know, most people don’t like change unless you are a baby with a poopy diaper; but change is a big part of our lives.

We change jobs, homes, cars, brand names, insurance companies, providers, friends, our minds, Facebook accounts, the list is really endless. So the answer is YES people can change. However, some things are unchangeable, for example, I could not change the structure of my DNA or blood type; but I do believe for the most part people can change. If I didn’t believe this I would not have become a Health Educator. Behavioral change is one of the most difficult things to achieve and it really boils down to an individual’s choice. We can’t make people do anything they don’t want to do. I can’t make anyone quit smoking. I can’t make anyone exercise regularly. I can’t make anyone eat healthy. Those desires for change must come from within the individual. Once the individual gets past the roadblocks to change in their lives and minds and takes on the Rocky Balboa attitude and believes “I can do this!” then change is possible. Not easy, but possible.

Surprisingly, Rocky Balboa had some pretty good quotes.
One of my favorite TV shows is the Biggest Loser. I love watching severely obese people sweat, puke and cry almost to the point of death; I am joking. One reason I love to watch the (unrealistic as it may be) TV show is the encouragement I gain to live a healthier life. If they can get through a workout that was probably designed by “Hannibal King”, by gosh, I CAN TOO! If they can listen to trainers yelling at them to press through the workout, by gosh, I CAN TOO! If they can prepare and eat healthy meals, by gosh, I CAN TOO! See my motivation?

I know how to set smart goals, identify barriers and obstacles, find solutions, but the piece of the change puzzle that I wished I knew how to produce in individuals is how to get people out of the Eeyore outlook of “I don’t feel like changing”; “I don’t want to change” to the side of empowerment where they live and yell out “I am ready to do this!”.

Last night I saw on someone’s Facebook page a quote by Maya Angelou that said, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” I really like that! Another favorite of mine that I often say to myself is “Attitude determines actions and outlook determines outcomes.” That came from one of my favorite authors Warren Wiersbe. There will be times in our lives that change will be necessary and unwelcomed; but if we go forth with a good attitude and outlook, our actions will follow and the outcome will be better. I like to try and focus on the cans and not the cant’s.

Finally, I can’t write about change without talking about the biggest change in my life, no I am not speaking of menopause; it actually was a change that took place in my heart. A change that has kept me from going down the “ugly attitude road” and living on “Bitterness Avenue”. The change is a change I had no control over or any part in, it was a GIFT  given to me with no strings attached,  no requirements, just given out of love. A gift that will never be taken away from me, because it is just that…A  GIFT! It is when Jesus found me. You see I didn’t find Him, He wasn’t lost. I was. Lost. Without hope. In shame. And completely blinded of the messed up state I was in by the god of this world, I was unable to see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God (see 2 Corin 4:4); but God who is rich in mercy made me alive with Christ even when I was blinded and dead in my sins, it is of GRACE that I have been saved (see Eph 2:4-5). And now that I am His, “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength” (see Phil 4:13).

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