Dr. Ron Carlson with Christian Ministries has been a guest speaker at our church this week. The first lecture was on Evolution vs. Creation. Ding. Ding. Let the match begin! Guess which one requires more faith?
If you guessed Creation you are wrong. Evolution takes more faith to believe that something complex can be created out of nothing, out of chaos. It takes more faith to believe that we have evolved from monkeys, especially when there are still monkeys. If we evolved from monkeys would not all the monkeys be gone or evolved? One example of the definition of evolution which is “upward progression from chaos to complexity” is an F5 tornado ripping through a junk yard and after it passes it leaves a 747 jet completely constructed! That is impossible, we know to have a completed 747 jet, you need engineers, builders, welders, etc…a plan. So, for me, it does require more faith to believe in evolution than it does in creation. I believe in a Creator. You see there is a missing link in evolution. Charles Darwin said himself in his book “On the Origin of Species” or the real title, (which I refuse to type), Darwin said that if transitional fossils (intermediate stages of evolution) could not be found, than his theory would be fatally flawed. Darwin knew what was required to prove his theory and he was honest enough to state it. To this day not one transitional fossil has been found. Sure there is evidence of microevolution, which is adaptation within a species, but macroevolution development of one species to another remains unfounded and will. So that leaves us with, “In the beginning God created…” Gen 1:1
Next Dr. Carlson spoke in regards to the second law of Thermodynamics or Entropy, which is a basic scientific law observed that all energy and matter is generating downwards from complexity and order to chaos and disorder; from life to death. I think we all agree with this one. In Bible times people lived hundreds of years, now our life expectancy is only decades. I know that some say that entropy is not disorder, just as the definition of evolution has been “redefined” so has entropy. However, one thing that has never changed is the Word of God and one person which is Jesus Christ; He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). In thousands of years, no one has found any error in the Word, even though the Bible was written by mere men; they were inspired by the Spirit of God. What I find amazing is that there are 66 books all written over a period of 1,060 years by more than 40 individual authors, from different cultural backgrounds over the same subject and yet there are no errors, no discrepancies. Yet their words sound like they came from the same source. So even though 10 people today couldn’t write on one controversial subject and agree, God picked 40 different people to write the Bible—and it stands the test of time.
To me none of this is foolishness; I believe it all to be true! As I watched my friend Tammi’s Nana Memorial Video and saw the images of the simplicity of life decades ago, I thought wow, here it is! I found were the law of evolution is true! Call Discover Magazine, National Geographic, call the media, because I have discovered where the law of evolution is true and it is not the size of the finch’s beaks! Here is one place we have gone from simplicity, from nothing, from chaos to complexity and order…it is my scrapbook room! It is my house! It is my life!
When I grew up I didn’t have a scrapbook room, how simple is that? Seriously we had one TV in the front room, we had maybe 7 channels on the TV, none of which were high definition, we had one phone number with a phone attached to the wall, and we didn’t have computers, internet and certainly no mobile phones. Life was simple. We ate most all of our meals at home around a table. When we gave cards, we bought them finished from the store. Now everyone room has a TV, sometimes two with close to 1,000 channels, plus DVR or TiVo. Most homes have at least one computer if not two or more with wireless internet. Telephones no more need wires into the wall, you can carry them any where you want. In fact, you don’t even have to hold them talk, they have hands free devices! Dinner? Well it is rare that a family sits around a table at a specific time each day and eats a home cooked meal. It is often drive-through, take-out or ordering in that fill our tummies. Finally, cards are elaborate, made at home with embellishments, brads, ribbons, stamps and with a scent to boot! My how our lives have become complex! Oh how we have evolved! All this technology and one would think life would be simpler, but I beg to differ. I so long for the simple life of yester-years, but leave my scrapbook room alone! One day I plan on creating in there! :O)
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"Saw this on an email: "A cell phone that elders can work" |
Some may say that the second law of entropy and evolution doesn’t apply here, but it total relates in my mind! After all, since the fall of man, it is estimated that we only use about 3% of our brain, so excuse me; but my mind is used up for the day.
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