Sunday, November 13, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 12 - Saturdays

I love Saturdays for many reasons, but one it is a time when my husband and I can spend time together in worship, bible study and prayer. There is nothing sweeter than being still with your soulmate and knowing that the God of the universe is with you. Feeling His presence, His love, His forgiveness.

A day started out with worship, bible study and prayer can never go wrong for me. It puts my perspective straight. One of my favorite Christian authors Warren Wiersbe says, "outlook determines outcome" and "attitude determines actions". As long as my outlook and attitude is grounded and guided by truth, and truth being the Word of God, then the outcomes and my actions will follow even in trials.

In James 1:2 we are told to count it all joy when we fall into various trials, not IF, but when. Trials are expected in this life. The difference for living a life that follows Christ is that when we fall into various trials we can 1) count (1:2); know (1:3); let (1:4 and 9-11), and ask (1:5-8). Or to put it another way, there are four necessary elements for victory in trials: a joyful attitude, an understanding mind, a surrendered will, and a heart that wants to believe.

No, that above is not mine it comes out of Warren Wiersbe Be Mature book that looks at the book of James in the Bible. I just love it so much that I have committed it to memory. In fact, I shared it yesterday on Facebook with a high school friend who posted a status update about each second we have an opportunity to change our life. He was speaking about we can choice to live in the past or learn from the past, we can choose to rejoice or complain, etc..., and that we change the way we feel, our life changes. Which made me think of what Warren said about Outlook determines Outcomes and Attitudes determines Actions.

Today I am thankful that while my life changes, my thoughts, attitudes, actions and feelings vary, I am thankful that my Heavenly Father, is the same, yesterday, today and forever. It is my desire to follow Him in His perfect example and that I will be a reflection of His goodness both in the good and bad times, so that He may be glorified.

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