Sunday, November 13, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 13 - Imagination

We LOVE the nights we get to spend in the nursery at church. Some nights we have many tonight only four little girls. They never fail to bring us laughter as we talk and play with them. So with a room full of mostly girls, you can imagine it was all about shopping and spa treatments!
Shopping for those perfect gifts!
Tonight was my Spa Night!! They had me lay down, put "hot stones" (cookies) on my back, while they did my nails. I tried to get up once, the next thing I know they slammed my head back down and said, "you can't get up", in fact I tried several times to get up but they wouldn't let me. Only if the real spa was like that!

The girls LOVE to play games. One of their favorites is to hide and we act like we don't see them. Then we panic because parents are coming and we lost the kids at church! How can that happen? This time only one kid was missing, but the other kid wouldn't let us look under those blankets on the ground. This went on for about 3 minutes. It was the strangest thing! Sounds of a puppy was coming from beneath the blanket, but we didn't need a puppy, we needed to find the lost kid! Then a foot appeared....and another foot, but her friend said, "you didn't see that!"

Notice there is no furniture around them in this picture plus shoes are off, but
in the next picture shoes are on and the furniture is there.
That is how long this scenario played out.
The puppy sounds continued and I love puppies!! I want to see the puppy! She then said, "okay, you want to see the puppy? Here she is!" Then she threw off the blanket and they BUSTED out laughing! It was so funny. We laughed so hard!

As you can tell I was laughing so hard, my camera skills are a bit crooked.
Today I am thankful for the imagination that God gives us as children. If you aren't serving in your church nursery. You are missing out! It is not about changing diapers, but changing lives! Not just their lives, but yours too.

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