Wednesday, November 2, 2011

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 2 - Darryl

Last night as I laid my head down I begin to ponder what a cyber-embarrassment I am going to make of myself with this current challenge of writing a daily attitude of gratitude blog. My mind raced about of what to express gratitude for next. I have so much to be thankful for and it all stems from the Father of Lights who gives every good and perfect gift (James 1:17). As the words were flowing through my head somewhat effortlessly I should have just got up turned on the computer and wrote; but no I didn’t and now I am searching for those words and can’t find them. I know the topic. It’s just the words last night sounded so wonderfully crafted, but tonight I draw a blank. I will do my best to express what raced through my mind last night.

One of my Affair of the Heart finds.
Today, I give thanks to God for providing me a Godly husband. One who did not need the movie Courageous to call him to be a Godly husband and father. Don’t get me wrong, I love the movie, but for me and the kids, it is all and more that Darryl already does for us. He takes his role of Spiritual Leader very serious and lives a life of Godly example day in and day out, inside and outside of the home. The kids and I know without a doubt that every day we are brought by name into the throne room of God by Darryl.  He is a man of prayer.

When faced with tough decisions, he doesn’t react foolishly. He considers the costs, he will do research and most importantly he brings that decision to our Father. He understands that even daily decisions directly impact who we are and who are children will become. He faithfully studies scripture and seeks God for wisdome and understanding.  He is a man of scripture.

Most importantly he has a heart tuned into the Spirit of God. Although he doesn’t have any formal theological education or training, he has been taught by the Author of the Word of God. That is an education you can’t purchase, you can’t learn by going to a class; but is an education that comes directly from the Spirit of God within him. He loves the Lord with all his heart, with all his soul and with all his mind. He is a man with a heart for God.
That would be enough, but He is so much more. Not only does he serve us as our Spiritual Leader but he meets our physical and emotional needs. I know a lot of people look down their noses, point fingers and whisper behind our backs that he should be out in the workforce working and I should be the stay at home parent. To that I don’t have to say anything because we have the peace and favor of God in how our family is designed and the only one we will answer to is God Himself. God did not call us to be conformed to the image of this world or to the pattern of this world but to be conformed to the image of His Son by being transformed by the renewing of our mind, that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect, will of God; and in that I rejoice, and yes I will pursue.

I am thankful that God has united us as one flesh; it sure makes life easier, when God speaks to us both about the same thing. So with that, I thank God and I thank you Darryl for all you do for us.
Thank you for making my life so easy and enjoyable. Thank you, Darryl, for making my coffee in the morning, for ironing my uniforms, for loading and unloading my car, for warming up my car in the cold months, for filling up my gas (and love) tank, for doing the dishes and laundry, for the many things I don’t know and see that you do, but most importantly thank you for being my spiritual leader, for your daily prayers and for your love for our Father. Thank you for the laughter and joy you bring into our home. Thank you for always pointing me to the Word and God. It is because of God and you that when I lay my head down at night I have the biggest smile on my face. It is true, “I have found the one my soul loves” (Song of Solomon 3:4). No wonder I can never go to sleep!

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